Scripture Reading - 1 Peter 1:6-8 KJV

6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:
7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

Every Christian must know that “Joy” is a mighty force of God to be highly esteemed. Sometimes people think that “Joy” is an emotion that comes from having a good or great experience but that is not what the Holy Bible teaches. No, quite the contrary because the Word of God teaches us that “Joy” is a fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. As a Fruit of God’s Holy Spirit we know it has awesome power because it was not created for man but rather “Joy” is inherent in God. This entices us to ask the question, “Dear Lord, “What does “Joy” do for You?” The above scripture gives us some insight into “Joy’s” function for the believer. Since we have a description from the above scripture of its mighty working power in the saint it also reveals to us exactly what it does in the Kingdom of Heaven which is God’s soul. Some have said that the throne of Heaven reveals the heart of God while the whole Kingdom of God reveals the soul of God. Hence, the Lord is never so heavy in heart that He drags down the spiritual temperature (strength) of Heaven. This is because the “Joy of the Lord” is His strength just like the “Joy of the Lord” is our strength according to Nehemiah 8:10. So “Joy” is not something we wait for but rather a spiritual force we use on purpose. Moreover, “Joy” is not a response to a good event but rather a practiced lifestyle overflowing from the believer. The world’s system has it all wrong because many people think “joy” only belongs to the wealthy or well to do but that opinion is not endorsed by the Holy Bible. No, quite the contrary, the scripture reads in verse 6 that we should not only “rejoice” but “greatly rejoice” when trials and temptations come upon us. This is because the trials and temptations of life will try to bring us down to make us weak spiritually, mentally and physically. This works very well on people who have no hope but in Christ Jesus we are always hopeful because this “Joy” repels (pushes against) all sadness. Yes, in Christ Jesus we have faith that the Blood of Jesus washed away all our sins and the Stripes of Jesus removed all our sickness and diseases. Therefore, when test and trials come to us we can look them right in the face and “rejoice”. We don’t have “Joy” because of the trial but we surely have the “Joy of Jesus” before, during and after the trial. So we (ihlcc) firmly believe in the Word of God which states when we believe in the great salvation of God and think about His great work in our personal lives we choose to “rejoice”. Not by accident or chance but solely on purpose and on point to stir-up the spiritual power (strength) of “Joy Unspeakable” to overcome heaviness through doubts. The Lord has “Immeasurable Joy” and He gave you “His Joy” to complete (perfect) your “joy” at all times. Please recognize that this “Joy Unspeakable” is so powerful it can be released by not only words, but smiles and laughter too. You are more than a conqueror through Christ because your “Joy Unspeakable” is full of God’s Glory which releases the power of God through expression (praises, thanksgiving, shouting, singing, smiling, proclaiming, tongues and speaking the Word of truth). Apparently according to verse 8 all those who Love the Lord rejoice with this “Unspeakable Joy of God”. Amen!